Commercial Law

Due Diligence when Buying an Existing Business

If you are thinking about a new venture, expanding an existing business or entering a new market, one option you might consider is to buy an established business. There are advantages and disadvantages when buying an existing business compared with starting your own....Read More

What happens when a contract is breached?

Contracts are a common tool used throughout our lives to create legal relationships between parties to define what actions people will take. If you have entered a contract with another party, you are obligated to abide by the terms and conditions of the contract. Any...Read More

Just sign here… ‘silent’ directors beware

If you have been asked to accept a position as a director of a company in which you have little or no involvement, think again. All too often spouses are appointed as a co-director of their partner’s company without understanding their full responsibilities as a...Read More

Key considerations when selling your business

You should ensure you take time to prepare and carefully consider the sale of your business, before committing to sell. There is a lot to organise and prepare when getting ready to sell your business, which is why we recommend seeking legal advice from experienced...Read More